Extra Academy #5: Thomas Bayrle

13.12.2011, 18:00 — 22:00 Archive

Extra Academy is a spontaneous alliance of Extra City, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Sint-Lucas Antwerpen.

The guest speaker of 13 December is Thomas Bayrle.

Weaving still is not a bad metaphor –

Useful even now...

It leaves traces in all sorts of technologies / analogies / even mental / philosophical Areas

like Heidegger’s 'sort of shrubbery' which he called 'Geweb'

A useful metaphor to develop conceptions...

Like complex binding qualities...

without bending / deforming /distorting / twisting too much!

Coming to Antwerp - we don’t intend 'Big Things'.

But rather tangent your and the school’s personal artistic reality...

A bit like yeast...hoping that the dough might swell!

Yours Thomas & Helke Bayrle


Language English

Location Extra City - Antwerpen-Noord, Tulpstraat 79, 2060 Antwerpen