Sunday 4 April at 15:00
Location: M HKA
In Assembly (Animism), part of the exhibition Animism, Agency calls things forth, speculating on the question: Can non-humans be considered as authors? On 4 April, Thing 000770 (Zwischen Zirkuskuppel und Manege), Thing 001087 (Unveiled Mysteries) and Thing 001227 (Scramble 2) will convene an assembly at M HKA to bear witness. Agency invites a diverse group of concerned guests to "translate".
15:00 Welcome and introduction by Agency
15:15 Thing 000770 (Zwischen Zirkuskuppel und Manege)
Guests: Sari Depreeuw (lawyer, researcher at LSTS, specialized in copyrights); Marc Pierard (researcher and adviser of the behavior of horses and elephants, vice-president WEPA, member of ISES); Jan Verpooten (ethologist, researcher at Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research and at University of Antwerp); Adva Zakai (dancer, choreographer)
15:45 Public debate
16:00 Break
16:15 Thing 001087 (Unveiled Mysteries)
Guests: Sari Depreeuw; Els Moors (writer); Nadine Stroobants (mystic medium, channeler)
16:45 Public debate
17:00 Break
17:15 Thing 001127 (Scramble 2)
Guests: Peter Beyls (media artist, researcher KASK, University College Ghent); Sari Depreeuw; Angelo Vermeulen (artist, biologist, member of FOam)
17:45 Public debate
Agency is the generic name of an agency that was founded in 1992 by artist Kobe Matthys and is based in Brussels. Agency constitutes an ongoing list of things that witness hesitation in terms of the bifurcation of nature into the classifications ‘nature’‚ and ‘culture’. This list of things is derived from juridical processes, lawsuits, cases, controversies, affairs and so forth, where this bifurcation has been discussed. Agency invokes these things during varying assemblies inside exhibitions.
Language English
Location , Leuvenstraat 32, 2000 Antwerpen